Catalysts for international defense cooperation




Embassy of Sweden

ComDef 2010, 35th in the series, addresses the issues of "Sustaining Programs for Defense Cooperation: Doing More with Less" relative to coalitions, force structure, operations, equipment, production, modernization, and inter-operability.

The conference will look into new threats to peace and relationships with nations of concern. Aging equipment inventories and the ability of industrial bases of friendly nations to modernize existing equipment will also be addressed.

The health of international defense industry and the necessity and opportunities for transnational cooperation will be covered.  Also examples of capability based global partnering in international procurement.  These examples will provide insights into the opportunities for joining existing programs and markers for the future.

ComDef 2010 offers a glimpse into the future of defense at a key moment in history, and will provide opportunities for international networking with government, military and industry leadership.

PHOTOS: From ComDef 2009.