Catalysts for international defense cooperation


The Boeing Company

Northrop Grumman Corporation




Common Defense Quarterly

ComDef West 2011 is co-located with:


Conference Booklet now available

Building on the successful ComDef West 2010, where 25 nations participated with the United States in a lively and informative presentation and Q&A format, ComDef West returns to San Diego to provide further insight, discussions and networking for government, military, academia and industry with an Asia Pacific emphasis . The goals for the upcoming ComDef West are as follows:-

  • Provide an overview and status report of the leading initiatives and programs designed to facilitate Coalition effectiveness
  • Determine key enablers for Cooperation to work
  • Identify the proposed areas for future cooperation
  • Identify the key industry partners and personalities
  • Highlight successful interoperability activities and draw out their determinants
  • Network with colleagues with shared concerns

Who should attend

Government and industry program managers and academic institutions concerned in the day to day international defense cooperation activities.

Business Development executives interested in networking with the international community

Embassy officials, thinktanks and trade associations interested in shaping the policy.

Export compliance facilitators

ComDef and AFCEA/USNI West 2011 Co-Located