Pacific 2006 International Maritime & Naval Exhibition - United States Participation

U.S. Pavilion Organizer - IDEEA, Inc.

A Wealth of Experience



IDEEA, Inc. has organized Exhibitions and Pavilions in several countries.

Pacific 2004 - 50 U.S. companies and a large government delegation. Organized the U.S.-Australia Maritime Cooperation Conference (300 attendees) and U.S.-Australia Defense Cooperation Dinner (235 attendees)

Pacific 2002 - - 40 U.S. companies and a large government delegation. Organized the U.S.-Australia Maritime Cooperation Conference (150 attendees) and U.S.-Australia Defense Cooperation Dinner (140 attendees). IDEEA organized a theatrette on the exhibit floor and developed a program to bring senior Australian attendees to the U.S. area.

Pacific 2000 - 30 U.S. companies and a large government delegation. Organized the U.S.-Australia Maritime Cooperation Conference (100 attendees) and U.S.-Australia Defense Cooperation Dinner (90 attendees)

1996 Commercialization of Defense Technology by Small Businesses - A conference series organized for the Small Business Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, DoD and the Federal Laboratories – designed to get out technologies from the federal laboratories into small businesses and veteran owned businesses.

  • Austin, TX - September 26, 1996
  • San Diego, CA - October 8th, 1996
  • Oakland, CA - October 10, 1996
  • Long Island, NY - October 24, 1996
  • St. Louis, MO - November 19, 1996
  • Charleston, SC - December 11, 1996

1995 Commercialization of Defense Technology by Small Businesses – jointly sponsored by the Department of Commerce: EDA, BXA, Patent and Trademark Office, Technology Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), Small Business Administration: Office of Veterans Affairs, DELTA Program, and Small Business Development Centers, Army Research Laboratory, Federal Laboratory Consortium, Electronic Commerce Resource Center, Office of Naval Research, Department of the Air Force, Department of Energy Defense Laboratories, NASA Mid-Continent Technology Transfer Center, Navy Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP), Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)

1994 Commercialization of Defense Technology by Small Businesses – jointly sponsored by the SBA, Office of Veterans Affairs, ARL and NSWC

1993 U.S. Pavilion at IDEF – the leading Turkish Aerospace and Defense event

IDEEA, Inc. also attends roughly 50 tradeshows a year, both nationally and internationally.

How to contact us

6233 Nelway Drive,
McLean, VA 22101
Tel: 703 760 0762 Fax: 703 760 0764
Email: Web:

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