Pacific 2006 International Maritime & Naval Exhibition - United States Participation


U.S Companies at Pacific 2004

Boeing Booth

50 U.S. companies and organizations participated in Pacific 2004 comprising the largest national pavilion at the event. Lockheed Martin, Northrop-Grumman, Raytheon, TBMD, Boeing, L-3, KBR and DRS were the large exhibitors. Groupings from ONR and the DEEPWATER Team were also prominent.

Navy BoothThe delegation to Pacific 2004 was significant. Six Admirals and 6 SES representatives supported the Ambassador and senior representatives from DoD, NIPO, ONR, SYSCOMs’, TBMD, as well as Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation.
The hosts concluded that U.S. government and industry were fully committed with Australia to ensure the closest relationship across military, technology and industry. A number of business initiatives discussed during the period of Pacific 2004 have since come to fruition. Raytheon Booth

U.S. Events at Pacific 2006

Pacific 2006 Flag Logo

U.S. - Australia Maritime Cooperation Conference - Monday, January 30th

The conference will provide a one day review of the U.S.-Australia Defense Cooperation environment highlighting current and upcoming programs, funding, technologies, hurdles to cooperation and success stories. Key speakers from both countries will address these issues. The Conference will take place in the Sydney Conference and Exhibition Centre adjacent to the Pacific 2006 Exhibition. Click here for Program


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